
Runs the task in your build file.

Execute a task

Tasks can be executed by name.

task example

Execute tasks with labels

Tasks can be executed by matching labels or filtered by label values.

By matching labels

The -f type=build will only execute tasks that have the given label value. Dependant tasks do not need to fullfill the label requirement.

task -f type=build

By matching labels

The -f build=ios will only execute tasks have no matching label value. If the task has no matching label, but any of the dependency tasks has a match, the task will be excluded as well.

task -e build=ios


  -f, --filter <labels...>    filter task and services with labels
  -e, --exclude <labels...>   exclude task and services with labels
  -c, --concurrency <number>  parallel worker count (default: 4)
  -w, --watch                 watch tasks (default: false)
  -l, --log <mode>            log mode (choices: "interactive", "live", "grouped", default: "interactive")
  --cache <method>            caching method to compare (choices: "checksum", "modify-date", "none", default: "modify-date")
  --no-container              run every task locally without containers
  -h, --help                  display help for command

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